Financing Assistive Technology in Georgia
Financing assistive technology can present quite a challenge for the individual with a disability, or for family members of an individual with a disability. One of the types of assistive technology that individuals with disabilities typically require is the stair lift. Whether that is a straight stair lift or a curved stair lift located on the interior of the home; or a vertical platform lift located on a stair on the outside of the home, the cost can be prohibitive.
Typically, a straight stair lift on the interior of the home mounted on the steps of a straight stair will cost approximately $3,200 to $3,500. Curved stair lifts mounted on a stair that bends or has a landing in the middle are custom built and therefore are more difficult to price (including equipment, installation, state inspection and permitting), so a complimentary in-home assessment is needed to quote a price.
Contact Stair Lifts Atlanta
For Stair Lift Pricing and Information
Information about assistive technology funding in Georgia is available at Georgia Tech Tools For Life. There are a number of trusted organizations available to help with assistive technology financing, noted below:
Tools for Life – Georgia’s Assistive Technology Program
Tools for Life – Georgia’s Assistive Technology Program is located at 512 Means St. Suite 250, Atlanta, GA and telephone is (800) 497-8665. Their website is
The Center for Financial Independence & Innovation, Inc.
The Center for Financial Independence & Innovation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping individuals (and family members of) individuals with disabilities to increase security and financial independence. An Atlanta-based organization that helps to finance assistive technology, The Center for Financial Independence & Innovation address is 315 W. Ponce de Leon Avenue, Suite 600, Decatur, GA 30030 The telephone number is 404-541-9005. The website is
Credit-Able (AFP) Program
To reach the Credit-Able (AFP) Program call 404-541-9005 and select the extension for the credit-able consumer liaison, Daphne Brookins. It is located at 1419 Mayson Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30324. The Snap4Kids website is
Veteran’s Administration
If you are a veteran, the Veteran’s Administration provides assistive devices to veterans. They can be contacted at
gTRADE, Georgia’s Online Equipment Exchange
gTRADE, Georgia’s Online Equipment Exchange encourages members to offer assisitive technology and DME for sale or donation to others who may benefit from using technology unneeded by others. The website is
Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC)
FODAC – Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) is Georgia’s statewide provider of home health and durable medical equipment. FODAC has distributed 20,000 wheelchairs and thousands of other pieces of DME since 1986. Internationally, 65 countries have received some equipment over those years. The website is
AT Depot Co-op
The Georgia AT Depot is a state-wide buying Cooperative for Assistive Technology for customers in the state of Georgia. The website is at
Dollars and Sense
The Dollars and Sense Assistive Technology Funding database is for use by individuals (or advocates of ) individuals with disabilities, to gather funding sources and service providers that match the user’s individual assistive technology funding needs. It may be accessed at
Additional information is available at:

Vertical Platform Lift
- The National Public Website on Assistive Technology
- Friends of Disabled Adults (And Children Too)
- Disability Resources – Georgia
The Stair Lifts Atlanta installation expert is fully insured and certified by the State of Georgia, as required by law. We will visit your home, evaluate your situation, and provide pricing and availability information. Contact us today at (770) 880-3405 , or send us an email using the website contact form.